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Eva Prats and Ricardo Flores, arquitectes

I arrive at the studio of architects Flores & Prats and I am surprised to find a bicycle bell on...

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Barcelona by… Susana Gross

Here we have Barcelona by writer Susana Gross. She tells me: ‘I cut the paper in the shape of a...

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Feliç Sant Jordi!

Selling roses at la Plaça del Pi in Sant Jordi 2011. Vendiendo rosas en la Plaza del Pi en...

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Virginia Rondeel, dissenyadora upcycling

Something is changing in the world’s consumerism patterns: quality, price or design, are no longer...

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Jorge Carrión, escriptor

It will soon be the 23d April and with it comes Sant Jordi: the great festivity of the book and the...

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Jorge Represa, fotògraf

The more pictures I take, the more I realize that to portray someone is, to a greater or lesser...

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Susana Gross, escriptora

It is raining on the day I go to visit Susana Gross but just the same, we take pictures outside,...

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Nico Alonso, secretari de la Coordinadora de geganters de Barcelona

Giants, in Catalonia, do exist: there are human figures, about three meters tall and they go dancing...

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Una de gegants

There are more than 250 giants hidden all over Barcelona: these tall creatures represent one of the...

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Barcelonogy. Antoni Gelonch 8

Antoni Gelonch, una conversa en tres parts

This interview has been divided in three parts. On the first one, Antoni Gelonch, art collector and...

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