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Clara Cirera, actriz

Hace ya casi una década que Clara Cirera vive en París donde se ha abierto camino trabajando en lo...

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Barcelonogy, Lluís Raluy maquillatge 3

La caravana d’en Lluiset al Circ Raluy

I see a man waving to the people under his umbrella. According to his clothes, he could be among...

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Barcelonogy, final Raluy 9

Carlos and Lluís Raluy, directors del Circ Raluy

I arrive at the Raluy Circus with plenty of time ahead: before interviewing its directors, Carlos...

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alba yañez

Alba Yañez, actriu i ‘foodie’

Lets imagine that Barcelona is a cocktail shaker. Inside, we put a little bit of Sun, a plenty of...

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